Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Nature Portfolio- Nature Poem

Indian Summer

1. It creeps up on us every year
2. Choking the air to a silent freeze
3. Fall’s winds pierce like an evil spear

4. The confines of education
5. Revert our spirits back into desks
6. Instead of nature’s salvation

7. I thought the wondrous days had gone
8. Despite my pleading with the seasons
9. The warm times were to be withdrawn.

10. September arrived just on time
11. I’d braced myself for the cool wind chills
12. But yet the hot air had kept its prime

13. It’s a sweet season of its own
14. Sometimes slyly outwitting autumn
15. Spreading through the air like cologne

16. Hearing only stories about this,
17. I happily jumped and praised the lord
18. The summer returned its lovely bliss

19. Radiant hazes fall onto
20. Landscapes, and the multicolored leaves
21. blend together as they blow through

22. My doubts will be raised at sunset
23. As the blazing sphere falls beneath ground
24. I know autumn will not forget

25. The surprise told change can occur
26. Not to let fall have its grip just yet
27. The joy of having the pot stirred

28. When the warmth dies it’s a bummer
29.  But I still remember the good times
30.  I thank the Indian summer

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