Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Nature Portfolio- Creation Story

Creation Story- "The Lava Lamp"
            It had been a regular morning in Roswell, New Mexico until the news spread. In one rancher’s corn field, a spacecraft had crash-landed! Reporters and civilians swarmed the area, trying to catch a glimpse of the flying saucer and its possible inhabitants. Before it could be properly examined though, the feds were all over it. They created a perimeter around the craft and swiftly removed it from the field. The public statement states that the aircraft was a special type of weather balloon of a highly classified space program called, “Mogul.” The rumors were silenced, and the evidence taken into government hands, never to be seen again. Or at least so they had thought in the beginning. The government later distributed out the remnants of the mission to the public in incubators also known as lava lamps.
            See, when the government collected the craft and examined it at Area51, they were overjoyed. They were truthful that the craft was in fact property of the United States, but lied about the purpose of the device. The device was designed to travel to distant stars and collect multiple specimens from different planets. The common term for these specimens is aliens. When they opened the craft, a team of doctors quickly took out the tiny injured aliens and desperately tried to keep them alive. They found that the atmosphere on Earth was too different from their home planets. The solution was what we know today as lava lamps.
            Each specimen from a different planet had very unique coloring and was very small. In order to distinguish where the aliens came from, they color-coded the fluid within incubators to contrast with the coloring of the alien. The heart rates of the creatures sped up once placed into the glass incubators, and the United States Federal Government was giddy with glee. They had believed they captured aliens alive and were nursing them back to heatlh! They were so happy in fact that they did not pay attention to the life forms inside, as they should of.
            The skins of the specimens grew hot. The fluid was reacting badly with their body systems.  Within days after the crash in Roswell, the aliens melted into blobs within the incubators. What was left were just vividly colored, small incubators with alien remains.
            The government thought this was a great tragedy. They had wanted to the restart their mission, and begin building new technologies to better adapt to alien living conditions. Due to the crash landing of the aircraft however, they were out of resources to fund a new mission into outer space. One clever scientist had a revolutionary idea. He suggested that they patent and sell the vivid incubators off to civilians are decorative pieces. The government loved the idea! They quickly added a small light bulb to the bottom of the containers and thus created the modern day lava lamp. Little did the consumers know that the goo inside the lamps were really alien remains. They got so popular that later adaptations of the lamp were created a few years after with the use of wax instead of extraterrestrial life forms to float about within the glass cylinders.
The End.

Words: 536

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